If you would like to sign up for the soul letters , and enjoy this interesting articles every Sunday,
The Harvard Hack ; Admission without the Hassle! |
It’s 4am in the morning and here I am, writing to you.
Such is the bond we share.
Just in case you’re wondering if you missed Sunday’s letter, here it is, on a Tuesday.
So, we graduated from Harvard this past week! 🕺
You know those people who arrive in a place newly and suddenly become experts there e.g how I made $50k last week-19 steps to selling your talent or How to migrate to Switzerland without a passport; let’s honor them with today’s title.
They are the real OG’s. Lol
The Harvard hack? It’s not fluff. Find it somewhere in this story.
We were newly married and the Mr told me he wanted to go abroad for his masters. He even had admission into London school of Economics. Cool right?
But there was just something unsettling about it for me.
I had no interest in living abroad (and he wasn’t even asking me to)
The fees looked wild and he was going to overstretch just to make it happen so adding me to the mix was not even an option.
I thought of the ‘old model’ example of our fathers who went to study abroad and ‘sent for’ their wives afterwards. It seemed workable to anyone looking from the outside in.
It just felt odd for me and I couldn’t shake it off.
I was convinced we still had too much to learn about each other and together was the only option.
Plus, I wasn’t about to find out if Lagos boys or London girls were smiling or not. #IYKYK
My proposition then was-based on our mutual family values, how do we live apart when we’d barely integrated as a unit?
If you would like to sign up for the soul letters , and enjoy this interesting articles every Sunday,
We eventually had to make a difficult decision on what we considered most crucial and valuable to us at that time. This decision involved forfeiting a substantial amount of money that had already been paid to secure a place at LSE.
Fast forward to last week.
Owner/President Management program, Harvard Business School.
12.5% acceptance (because, exclusive is a real word), $150k, alumni status,network of top echelon business founders and CEO’s in the world etc. etc. etc.
Our desires and dreams are valid.
But, you cannot afford to run a race that isn’t given to you.
It’s all in the choices and decisions you make for yourself.
How do you ensure you make the right decisions?
Do not be hasty.
Do not overthink either.
Lead with grace for others but maintain truth, integrity (authenticity) and self-compassion for yourself.
Examine yourself at this moment. What do you desire? What do you possess?
Whatever it may be, you already have all the essentials to attain everything you want.
There are so many things I’ve learnt and grown through that I feel obligated to share in ways that others can find useful and transformational.
This is why I began hosting Find Your Next Self retreat .
The next one will be from January 29-February 4th 2024 in Zanzibar.
Some things just require a firsthand immersion and travel is the perfect catalyst.
I wasn’t going to talk about it extensively with you but I’m now choosing to focus on what I want.
Every week, I’ll be sending a different mail about what Find Your Next Self is and why you should do all you can to attend. I’ll also be sharing payment plans, what to expect, and exclusive footage of our experience at past retreats so you can not only choose what’s best for you now but understand why this is something you should share too.
Visit the link here wordpress-1279454-4628683.cloudwaysapps.com/fyns-2024/ and share with as many people as you can. That’s what I want from you.
When you see the videos or any posts about it on IG (or anywhere), share it too.
For clips from ‘our’ Harvard graduation, go to @identitycoach (if you’re not following me already, this is your cue😊)
There are gems for you there so feel free to interact on any of my recent posts or just love on me if you have nothing to say. Lol
%name%, you have to become more intentional about receiving what you want.
You have no reason to worry or fear.
Only decide what you want and when you do, set your eyes on it.
Do not look to the left or to the right.
Even if the masquerades are dancing naked in the streets.
Keep your eyes single.
Choose truth, authenticity and grace.
Everything good is coming.
P.S: Yes, I want to know your thoughts as always so, send me a reply.
But, you’re going to see this banner till 2024.
As the year comes to an end, I’m re-assessing and preparing to unwind, renew and reset.