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This time last week, I found myself too overwhelmed to put pen to paper (or fingers to keypad) and come up with a letter.

Last Saturday, I met some of you for the very first time at ‘Higher with YBB’ an exclusive hangout I curated for you, my soul letter community.

I’d like to first thank everyone that applied as we got a little over 150 applications but I was only able to take a maximum of 30 people.

If I were to describe the experience I’d say humbling and deeply satisfying.

Warms hugs, lots of laughter, honest conversations, and mind shifts; life shifts.

To give you an idea of what it looked like, click here to see some pictures.

As I sat with myself in the hours that followed that event, going through what everyone had to say, the challenges, the fears, the victories,  I realized(again) the question “why” serves as my guiding star through the boundless expanse of what is important to do or who I should be in each moment.

And so when I was thinking about what to write to you today, this subject came to me.

‘Why’- a question so profound that it has ignited all forms of discovery, challenged the norms, birthing innovation and personal transformation.

Here’s how I’d like for you to consider it

“Why do you pursue knowledge (wisdom)?” Is it to find meaning in the tumultuous events of life? Is it to uncover hidden potentials and talents, buried deep within? Is it to heal the wounds and scars that have left their mark on your soul? Is it to become the architect of your destiny, forging your own path in a world filled with uncertainty?

Or is it just to say ‘me too’?


If you would like to sign up for the soul letters , and enjoy this interesting articles every Sunday,

Why do you choose one over another? Is it for similar interests, personal interests or just for the thrill?

If you’re a leader, ask yourself – “Why do I lead?” Is it to command and control, or is it to inspire and uplift? Is it to accumulate power, or is it to empower others to reach their full potential? Is it to stand at the forefront, or is it to guide with compassion and wisdom from within?

The question “why” transcends the surface of our lives, penetrating the depths of our existence.

It demands that we confront our fears, question our beliefs, and challenge our complacency.

Why is something working and something else not working? Are you the same person or do you need to be different in each situation?

Why are you where you are?  Why are you who you are?

This question will help you see that beyond the external world, there is an entire universe that resides within you and bringing yourself to account is the path to superior human experiences.

Embracing why is not a choice. It’s an act of courage to peel back the layers of convention, facing the shadows of your past, acknowledging your present and forging new paths to who you need to become.

The most profound answers often lie in the questions we are too afraid to ask.

Many of us keep going round in circles, repeating patterns that take us nowhere.

So even as you ask yourself why, be true enough to know when you don’t have the answers and when you need to be led to them.

Each of us carries a unique map of experience, beliefs and aspirations and it’s in our collective wisdom that we find answers to the questions that unite us.

%name%, you are not as unsure as you may think you are.

You only need to embrace the question ‘why’ as if it were a trusted friend so it can lead you to the profound understanding you seek.


P.S: I love reading your emails about what stood out for you. You can also tag me on IG (feed/story) @identitycoach
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